Vacant retail unit is available in Hounslow Central. The unit offers a ground floor space of 314.16 sqft. The unit benefits from A1/A2 class use and is based near on a prime busy location. The property benefits from a manually loaded shutter, free parking bays outside the property and is a short walk to Hounslow Central Station (underground).

The following table shows the breakdown of area and dimensions of the unit:
Ground | Retail Unit A td> | 18.9 | 203.36 |
Ground | Retail zone B td> | 10.3 | 110.80 |
Total | 29.2 | 314.16 | |
Key Features
- Easy access to Heathrow Airport
- Free parking bays outside the property
- Good transport links
- Suitable for various businesses (STP)
- Unit benefits from A1 & A2 class use.
- Vacant retail unit available in West London
- Walking distance to Hounslow Central Station
- Walking distance to local bus stops
The property is located within the London Borough of Hounslow which is located approximately 10 miles to the south west of Central London and 5 miles from Heathrow Airport. Hounslow benefits from having three London Underground stations, Hounslow West, Hounslow Central and Hounslow East, served by the Piccadilly Line in Zone 5, providing excellent access into Central London.
Business Rates
To be confirmed.
Interested parties are advised to confirm the rating liability with the Local Authority on; 020 8583 2000.
Legal Cost
Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs.
Rental £13,000 p.a